Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #174

Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #174

Date: 27th Jun 2024

All minutes published on:

  1. Attendees (write your name):

  • Pedro, Anna, Ezinne, Hub, Mike D, Skyler, Elliot, Darshan, Andras, Szymon, Bayram, Gulsah, Joao, Timur, Aron, Gökay, Julius
  1. Testing

  1. Release Schedule

  • CODE: Next week

  • Mobile releases 24.04.4 (stable branch) Next week

    • Builds created

      • available in the testflight

      • trying to fix android: some parts don’t render at some zoom levels

  1. Online Activity

  • PRs in need for attention (Please add here any PR that needs attention)

  • PRs without reviewer

  • now 6 (one is a duplicated PR)

  • Henry

  • Nicolas

  • Gabriel

  • Now back

  • We have started to upgrade now to 23

  • Working now on something related to CSV and probably will backport it but I’m waiting for some feedback

    • this was mostly useful for converting CSV → PDF – because separators were not found

    • idea was to detect automatically at conversion.

    • First patch – adds character-set and separator settings

      • can use these when you pass the filter parameters.

      • Instead of separator & character set put ‘detect’

    • Would be nice to use it in the import dialog.

  • Would love to help out with design for serializing settings (Michael)

  • Julius

  • Getting much more frequent races causing a download of the file … when clicked. (Michael)

    • seems like a richdocuments / Nextcloud race… perhaps more plugins installed …

    • now have etc. in the list here … probably related to this.

    • Finally have a reproducer on our instance

  • New releases out last week with some fixes

    • richdocumentscode setup improvements to make requests async

    • Generally improve background connectivity checks

    • Guest name picker redesign

    • Fix when renaming files with manual file locking enabled

    • Fixed group limit settings

  • Thorsten

    • [No update]
  • Attila

  • Andras

    • CI issues, continuous efforts to keep them green
  • Szymon

  • view jump in Calc on row insertion by other user

    • merged: fixed missing case
  • long style previews load – images generation on demand

    • in review: on demand rendering of icon view entries

    • what we can do next: use HiDPI when client needs it to not present blurry styles

  • Research about not working PostMessage to insert graphic (forum topic, also customer report)

    • seems to be configuration / integration error
  • Next: Pedro’s report - now unotoolbuttons are being enable/disable but the inner child is not being enabled or disabled: search previous and search next

  • Darshan

  • Fix insert comment not working after document load. 169435 => Merged

  • Presentations: Ruler #8966 => Merged => Merged

  • Ruler: Clip it, don’t spill over other UI elements #9351 => Reviwed waiting for CI (Thanks pedro :slight_smile: )

  • Typescript conversion of Ruler.js. Next will create base class for ruler which will help to remove duplication of code occurring in horizontal and vertical ruler file.

  • Next:

    • More improvements on accessibility stuff
  • Aron

    • nothing to add
  • Michael “Performance” Meeks ^^

  • Concerned about profile not showing much threading in tile compression much.

  • Caolan performance

  • Unnecessary a11y label querying help content that doesn’t exist

  • Some ideas around using worker threads from Chris (open)

  • dns stalls seen in watchdog profiles, fix merged

  • Watchdog profiles

  • Bayram

  • (In Progress) - Enhancement - tdf#158857: Keep Power Query when saving XLSX

    • core: (WIP)

    • Uploaded patch set 18, 19, 20:

      • import&export and

      • import&export xr16:uid attribute of element.

      • import&export of xl/connections.xml has been done.

      • add …/customXml/item1.xml relationship to xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels

    • now: export xl/drawings/* - (add missing lines)

  • Skyler

  • Comments causing viewport movement on iOS

  • Menu fixes

  • Android & iOS

    • Snapshot/Testflight builds are now 24.04
  • Grey background during loading tiles

  • Android: some tiles failing to render when zooming to a certain level

    • Working on this… seems to be from tiles not being properly invalidated in the android app… trying to debug kit with `rr`
  • Elliot

    • Currently building Collabora online.
  • Pranam

  • Gökay

  • Continues:

    • Replace lat & long logic with twips / pixels.

    • Sending new improvements.

  • Some small fixes and reviews.

  • Copy text with comments issue. Has a PR but needs to check the tests also.

  • Hubert

  • Drupal: implemented IsUserAdmin (new property and it’s already documented in the SDK)

  • Gulsah

  • New button that inverts only document colors in dark mode.

  • Changing dark mode affects other users link colors.

    • Color comes from coolkitconfig.xcu

      Core sends a different color but that config overwrites it.

    • My plan is remove the Link color from config then modify core that sends true color for online case.

      • I’ve implemented that plan but unfortunately doesn’t fix the problem, Because we need to know if online is dark mode or light mode from core side. But it returns always light…
  • Invert Background disappears after switching the dark mode

Fixed: (merged)

11 topics posted/bumped this week.

Thanks gstlouis + Pedro + mmeeks + Tex for answering some posts. :slight_smile:

New Bugs

Last Week Topics

Key Topics


  • JSON + iframe + a "custom button" not working.


    • Portuguese user + Android 23.05 APK.

    • 4 Calc issues listed:

      • Data Validation
    • Asked for more info → Hopefully responds with more details.

  • Questions:

  • Karthik

    I am happy to share that I completed building Mobile project for iOS and able to run in my device successfully. My requirement is to convert office files like docx, xlsx and ppt to PDF files completely offline in my current project. I tested the same feature in Mobile project from cool and it is working like a pro.

    Could you please suggest how exactly to link this Mobile project to my current project to have that functionality in my project.

  1. Next events

  2. Next meeting

  • 07/04/24