Failed setsockopt TCP_NODELAY

Hello, sorry for my bad English.

I have installed Collabora in container LXC Debian bookworm unconfined

Package versions:

  • collaboraoffice 23.05.5-1 amd64
  • coolwsd amd64
  • code-brand 23.05-16

The coolwsd logs show the following error lines:

Oct 17 09:44:17 collabora coolwsd[161]: kit-00161-00149 2023-09-17 09:44:17.176264 +0000 [ kit_spare_002 ] ERR  #26: Failed setsockopt TCP_NODELAY: Operation not supported (EOPNOTSUPP: Operation not supported)| net/Socket.hpp:206
Oct 17 09:44:17 collabora coolwsd[123]: wsd-00123-00148 2023-09-17 09:44:17.176330 +0000 [ prisoner_poll ] ERR  #28: Failed setsockopt TCP_NODELAY: Operation not supported (EOPNOTSUPP: Operation not supported)| net/Socket.hpp:206

Collabora works rigth (apparently)

How could I solve these error lines?
any clue where I can look?

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did you find out the solution for the issue ?
I have the exact same issue.

best regards,

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I continue with the same error
Collabora works, I haven’t seen anything fail in collabora, but logs show that error


Ah - thinking about it this is prolly a new kernel error when we set nodelay on a Unix domain socket: net: don't try to set TCP_NODELAY on local Unix sockets. by mmeeks · Pull Request #7573 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub should fix that. Testing appreciated - either way the warning is completely harmless.

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