Is there any way to send a UNO command as a postMessage to the CODE iframe directly? I want to send a UNO command with arguments to the iframe and therefore, it is sent to the WSD server from there. Is it possible now? And if not, how can I execute UNO commands from the wrapper of the iframe?
I don’t really want to use Python macros. I wanted to use postMessages to directly execute UNO commands through sendUnoCommand method (with arguments), that’s why the UNO command inside button property is not going to answer my need.
I will contribute and add the postMessage to run any UNO command directly using postMessages, since it is easy to add, and in that way, I will contribute to the CODE to kind of give back to the community as well:)
I wanted to use uno:InsertBookmark UNO command to add bookmarks using postMessages.