update broke my installation (follow-up)

Continuing the discussion from update broke my installation:

Hi @darshan

Thanks for your help and sorry had to reopen a new thread as the original one has been closed before I got time to answer :frowning:
In Nextcloud when I try to open a document it timeouts all the time and I noticed also that in settings of Nextcloud for CODE, it states that:

Failed to connect to the remote server: Server error: GET myproxyservurl/hosting/discovery resulted in a 503 Service Unavailable response: 503 Service Unavailable <h1 (truncated…)

my proxy server is fine too, I checked it’s still up.

in system logs when I try to load a document in Nextcloud I get these:

Failed to initialize COOLWSD: File not found: /etc/coolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem
-3662801 2025-02-14 17:08:26.097594 +0100 [ coolwsd ] SIG Fatal signal received: SIGABRT code: 18446744073709551610 for address: 0x820037e3d1

and then it shutdowns doing a coredump (so crashes at the end).

If I understand well the logs it means CODE is trying to use SSL no ? I had done the configuration with CODE not using SSL but proxy yes.

Thanks for your help,


Verify Certificate Files

Since the update, Collabora is looking for /etc/coolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem but can’t find it.

ls -l /etc/coolwsd/

If the file is missing, recreate it


/etc/coolwsd$ ls -al
total 136
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 17 fév 09:26 .
drwxr-xr-x 165 root root 12288 20 fév 10:59 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 29390 18 déc 15:30 coolkitconfig.xcu
-rw-r-----   1 cool cool 39287  2 fév 22:51 coolwsd.xml
-rw-r-----   1 cool cool 38598 27 déc 20:44 coolwsd.xml.dpkg-old
-rw-------   1 cool root  1675 27 déc 18:07 proof_key
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   426 27 déc 18:07 proof_key.pub

But how ? as I never had to use any certificate with CODE as the SSL part is only on the reverse proxy public side !

@vincen i see can you please check your coolwsd.xml file ? And check what are the SSL settings there.

Maybe that seems to be a issue here.

Thanks I’ll check that and I’ll know now that I have to do a backup of that file to restore it after each upgrade (even if I said no to replace/update the coolwsd.xml file during apt update it still overwrote/modified it :frowning:

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Problem fixed by putting back proper configuration in config file ! I have done a backup of config file so I can overwrite it each time it destroyed by the update of the package :sunglasses:

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Beautiful Thanks @vincen