Collabora Android Build

I’m sorry for your misunderstanding. I just think it will be more convenient for me to ask you questions in the future

Hello! DanielD! Sorry to disturb you again! Can you share with me the version of the operating system that you successfully compiled? I’m using Ubuntu20.04


No worries. I am using Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS

I have successfully compiled on cp-6.4 branch according to the configuration you said,
However, after successfully building in online, I opened the document on my mobile phone, but the document did not load out. Have you ever encountered this situation?


Good to hear you managed to build it. I haven’t encountered such a problem before, I only had a problem with text being invisible and that was due to building from a wrong branch. Maybe new code was added that caused this problem. Check other topics in the forum, maybe someone else experienced it. If I were you, I would try to build from master branch instead of cp-6.4, see if the problem persists.

The build core code was built from the cp-6.4 branch and I sent an email to the official to confirm it,
I built the online part from the master branch,
Let me try another solution to this problem,
Danie, thank you for your patient reply

I have successfully built and I want to tell you the good news
The branches that were built successfully are:
core: distro/collabora/cp-6.4
online: distro/collabora/co-6-4
Thank you for your reply in this period. I hope we can continue to discuss other problems with Android compilation in the future


Glad to hear that. I know how annoying the whole process can be, so I am happy I could help. I hope this thread helps other developers out there who are struggling with the same problem.


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Hi everyone, I know it’s been long time, I need help to build Collabora on my own, I used these branches for both LibreOffice core and Collabora:
Core: distro/collabora/co-22.05
Collabora: distro/collabora/co-22-05
All the builds and “make” already successfull, but when I tried to build in my Android studio, I always get this error:

ERROR:/home/ivanhutomo/Documents/Collabora2/android/build/app/intermediates/merged_res/debug/values-b+ca+valencia_values-b+ca+valencia.arsc.flat: AAPT: error: failed to deserialize

I already spent almost one week to find out where is the problem and also change and rebuild another branch as well.

Below is my current gradle version:

Anyone could help? My plan is to use the lib of Collabora office as a document viewer integrated with my own app. Thank you so much.