Error when building Collabora in Android Studio

Hi everyone, I need help to build Collabora on my own, I used these branches for both LibreOffice core and Collabora:
Core: distro/collabora/co-22.05
Collabora: distro/collabora/co-22-05
All the builds and “make” already successfull, but when I tried to build in my Android studio, I always get this error:

ERROR:/home/ivanhutomo/Documents/Collabora2/android/build/app/intermediates/merged_res/debug/values-b+ca+valencia_values-b+ca+valencia.arsc.flat: AAPT: error: failed to deserialize

I already spent almost one week to find out where is the problem and also change and rebuild another branch as well.

Below is my current gradle version:

Anyone could help? My plan is to use the lib of Collabora office as a document viewer integrated with my own app. Thank you so much.