Collabora CODE Fails Opening Password-Protected Excel (.xlsx) Files


I updated Collabora CODE this morning, and now it cannot open my password-protected Excel (.xlsx) files.

When attempting to open a password-protected .xlsx file, I am prompted for file password, I enter it, the dialog box disappears, then nothing. If I enter the wrong password, it let’s me know and gives me another dialog box to enter the password again.

I can still open non-password-protected .xlsx files and .docx files.

My setup:

  • Collabora CODE runs when I access files from within Nextcloud.
  • Nextcloud is hosted by my nginx server.
  • Collabora CODE is running on docker.
  1. Arch Linux 5.10.16.arch1-1
  2. nginx 1.19.6-2
  3. Docker 1:20.10.3-2
  4. PHP 8.0.2-1
  5. mysql (mariadb) 10.5.8-1
  6. Nextcloud 21.0.0 RC2
  7. Current Collabora CODE (downloaded today via “docker pull collabora/code”):
    • LOOLWSD 6.4.6
    • LOKit 6.4-23

I discovered that this behavior is due to the LastPass add-on in Firefox. Once I disabled the LastPass add-on, the password-protected files opened as expected.

If you are having this issue and use Firefox with LastPass, this might be worth trying.
