Collabora Online: Macors and BASIC

Hi @jrd10

As far as I know Collabora Online is able to read:

  • Nicely standardized Open Document formats - ODT, ODS, ODP, ODG.
  • All the key Microsoft file formats both OpenXML and legacy binary file formats - DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX
  • RTF and macro enabled versions of these (although we disable macros online by default).
  • In addition, it is possible to import Visio, MS Publisher, WordPerfect files as well as many other flavours. We spend lots of time working on improving our filters and making our interoperability excellent.

Remember, you will need to tweak your 'coolwsd.xml` by enabling macros and adjusting security level:

    <security desc="Altering these defaults potentially opens you to significant risk">
      <seccomp desc="Should we use the seccomp system call filtering." type="bool" default="true">true</seccomp>
      <capabilities desc="Should we require capabilities to isolate processes into chroot jails" type="bool" default="true">true</capabilities>
      <jwt_expiry_secs desc="Time in seconds before the Admin Console's JWT token expires" type="int" default="1800">1800</jwt_expiry_secs>
      <enable_macros_execution desc="Specifies whether the macro execution is enabled in general. This will enable Basic, Beanshell, Javascript and Python scripts. If it is set to false, the macro_security_level is ignored. If it is set to true, the mentioned entry specified the level of macro security." type="bool" default="false">true</enable_macros_execution>
      <macro_security_level desc="Level of Macro security. 1 (Medium) Confirmation required before executing macros from untrusted sources. 0 (Low, not recommended) All macros will be executed without confirmation." type="int" default="1">1</macro_security_level>
      <enable_metrics_unauthenticated desc="When enabled, the /cool/getMetrics endpoint will not require authentication." type="bool" default="false">false</enable_metrics_unauthenticated>