Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #200

Date: 9/1/2025

All minutes published on:

Attendees (write your name):

  • Hub, Skyler, Darshan, Pedro, Banobe, Bayram, Attila, Méven, Richard, Andras, Szymon, Caolán, Lily, Ezinne, Anna, Chris, Vivek, Gulsah, Elliot


Files – ( password is coolmeeting)

  1. Release Schedule
  • CODE “green” scheduled today/tomorrow.

  • Mobile

    • iOS app 24.04.9 released

    • Android app 24.04.9 released



FOSDEM-2025 dev-room: LibreOffice Technology

  • Talks:

    • COOL UI / UX command tracking & analysis (Attila)

    • Nextcloud Office built on COOL & LibreOffice Technology (Julius)

    • Improved comments & mentions (Pranam)

    • LibreOffice Technology atomic / threading improvements (Caolan)

    • Optimizing AutoText & settings for multi-tenant collaboration (Caolan)

    • COOL – LibreOffice Technology in the browser (Michael)

    • Automatic Documents, packed with content & signed (Michael)

    • Beautiful remote web dialog widgets built on LOT (Szymon)

    • New, shiny WebGL presentations in the browser - presenter console + animations (Szymon)

    • COOL / Mobile LibreOffice Technology (Skyler)

Forum Topics

Next meeting

  • 16/01/2025

Please check and tell how to configure theme css varaible in cool side while working in nextcloud environment as disccused today

Extra hidden field in COOL frame integration

In the COOL frame in the integration there is a form where you pass an access_token to COOL for loading the valid document. For your theming you have to add another hidden field to the form named css_variables. Then the css variables and their values for the theming can be passed, formatted as shown in the example below.

Content of hidden field “css_variables”

The default values of various css variables can be overridden by sending them in the post message in this format:

Note that the variables in the form are formatted slightly different from how they look in the CSS file! The colon : found in CSS is replaced by an equal sign =.

You can also test your colours by adjusting the COOL url and append those values, so they can be passed via get and so you can see your changes instantaneously. Example:


Available variables

Various variables can be overridden for the theming. Their names, and the default values that are used in COOL with the branding package are:

–co-primary-element: #4c566a; --co-primary-element-light: #706aab; --co-txt-accent: #2e1a47; --co-primary-text: #ffffff; --co-border-radius: 3px; --co-body-bg: #ffffff; --co-color-main-text: #000000;

These are only for the branded versions of COOL. If you are using the CODE version of COOL, you can refer to the color palettes CSS file, regular or dark to find which variables you can override.

I have added few links about your issue can you check notes #201?

You can also explore the Nextcloud forum, as it contains numerous helpful explanations and solutions. For instance: Theming: Custom CSS - ℹ️ Support - Nextcloud community
