Collabora is very slow and freeze very quickly when i open and edit a document

i tried using Collabora on pixel 6a (grapheneos)
But its very slow and freeze very quickly when i open and edit a document.

i wondering why and how can this be solved?

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We’re working hard to get our 23.05 release out on Android, the current version is extremely old - as you’ve noticed :slight_smile: You can download and try out our latest development snapshots here - would be great to have more testing & feedback:

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ah ok that explains a lot.

I don’t know much about this technology.
can you tell me which apk link should i download?
my phone is a google pixel 6a

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Hey @yourmother , welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

Your device is an “arm64” device.

So, if you visit the “Collabora Office Android Snapshot” page…

  1. Look for the latest one that says:
  • arm64-v8a
  1. Then pick the one with the newest date.

As of today, it’s:

  • collabora-office-mobile-23.05-snapshot-arm64-v8a-2023-09-06.apk

Note: You can break the filenames down into 3 key parts:

  • The name of the version
    • Collabora + blah blah blah + 23.05
    • = Collabora Office 23.05 Android files!
  • The “architecture” of your phone
    • arm64-v8a
  • The date
    • 2023-09-06 = September 6th, 2023

Note #2: Also pay attention, because:

  • There are currently 10 of the latest builds showing.
  • They are sorted roughly by oldest->newest
    • So last week’s 2023-08-26 shows up higher than today’s 2023-09-06.

You could sort by the “Last Modified” column to make it a little easier.

Hello, thanks for the replays.
So collabora from google playstore is slow en freezes sometimes, but its workable.
These apk are a lot worse. i barely can scroll down a page.
Its looks like its suck up all the ram on my phone immediately. is this possible?

i also tried onlyoffice and wps office and both don’t show any of these problems at all and work perfectly fine.
So why does Collabora this?

Thanks for testing the latest!

  • Is it a specific DOCX or ODT document? Or all documents?
  • Can you share that problematic document?

Once we get a problematic sample, then we could do more testing to see exactly what the slowdown/freezing issue is.

Good question.
its mostly happens with .xls and .ods documents.
i also notice backspace does not work.
But that is with all kind of documents. (.dox, .odt, .xls, .ods)