font call minutes ...

* Present
  + Tor, Michael, Ash

* mounting & chroot
  + ro bind mount...

* how does the sticky bit solve the problem ?
  + stops renames
  #1 wsd drops it in the temp directory
      + race here ...
  #2 forkit changes its uid etc.
  #3 kit process can't remove / write into it.

  => not so convinced it works.

* Current foo:

#1 Try to bind-monut
#2 Try to hard-link -> skipped for stackable
#3 Try to copy & then hard-link
#4 Fall-back to copy.

* Docker:
  + bind mounting works ? ...
    + has to be run as privileged.
    => don't think this is the default.

* Problems with bind mount:
  + /etc/hosts -> stale / complain & fallback (?)
  + problem: we can't write into the systemplate from loolwsd
    + if we can't update systemplate.

  + updateDynamicFilesImpl

* Normal bind mounts:

/dev/nvme0n1p3 on jails/8qrO13439YRs235G type btrfs ro -> systemplate
/dev/nvme0n1p3 on jails/8qrO13439YRs235G/lo type btrfs ro -> lo-template ? /opt/collaboraoffice/...
/dev/nvme0n1p3 on jails/8qrO13439YRs235G/tmp type btrfs rw -> empty & write-able.

        Mount namespaces
               Changing the mount namespace requires that the caller
               possess both CAP_SYS_CHROOT and CAP_SYS_ADMIN capabilities
               in its own user namespace and CAP_SYS_ADMIN in the user
               namespace that owns the target mount namespace.

* BSD uses mount:
    #ifdef __FreeBSD__

* Files in the jails:
  + 8k of these ... -> a lot of syscalls if we do this manually.

  + link works with CAP_FOWNER fairly nicely ...
    + there in docker defaults.

* Have a reliable way to update the systemplate (?)
  + solve the fonts case too ?

* systemplate -> has 4k files ...

* FUSE -> un-privileged ?
  + CAP_SYSADMIN needed for FUSE (?)

* Files:
  + /usr/share/zoneinfo -> 2k files.
  + order of ~500 fonts ...

* download fonts ... (Tor)
  + opens the fontconfig file again and mmaps it.
  + pre-load all the fonts in the preinit.

* Currently -> 1.8k separate memory maps in forkit process.
  => reduce this by static linking COOL -> long run.

* mapping fonts only for new processes ... [!] ...

* freetype -> does it hold fonts open / mapped ?
  + ...

* patch cairo & pixman already
  + could patch / check this to not re-load fonts (?)

* Possible:
  + mmap the fonts first ...
  + possible to make kit processes do this ...
    + sudo strace - and see ...

  + don't want this for forkit due to code weight
    + but need for setns / clone NS magic.
  + which is we have separate helpers for this.

* 1&1 have a mount point to the real-host to avoid slow copying.

* So
  + map fonts in forkit and inherit them in children
  + hard-link them into /tmp as we set it up & get paths right somehow
    + we have a symlink inside the systemplate -> goes to /tmp somehow ?
      matching the path that we load the fonts in forkit

    + why can't we hard-link just these few fonts into the original
      directory for /tmp - which is per-document.

* why is systemplate/etc/hosts not pointing at /tmp/hosts ?
  + pre-dates /tmp directory (?)
  + dynamic files should go into /tmp and get copied ? ...
  + if you can't bind-mount -> need to re-create these ...

  * re-opening in kit process makes everything a nightmare:
  + weird symlinks etc.

==> easiest way is to try to understanding mapping of fonts
     and to do this once (for downloaded fonts) in the forkit process

  + so lets work to get the (new for now) fonts loaded in
    the forkit, mapped, and available at all times in the new
    kit child processes.

  + lets drop the sticky bit ... for now.