How to change Collabora Online settings

Dear Everyone

I do test NextCloud + Collabora Online.
wanna delete option the save and print and as download.

I’ve been looking for several solutions.
I have checked the following. Can I apply it to my server?


 Sent only in case storage is WOPI. Contains WOPI related
 capabilities/information for JS part to act accordingly.

 Properties mentioned:
 + PostMessageOrigin: See WOPI specs for more information
 + HideSaveOption: (boolean): If Collabora Online should hide the save options
 + HidePrintOption: (boolean): If Collabora Online should hide print options
 + HideExportOption: (boolean): If Collabora Online should hide the export options
   this implies 'Download as' options in file menu

Dear @Hyacinth, welcome to the forum.

The properties you mentioned are correct. They are used on the WOPI server (integration).

The link PostMessage API — SDK documentation explains more on te usage.