Spell check works and at the same time dont?

So i have had collabora and nextcloud beside each other for quite some time. Nextcloud in a docker contanier and collabora code on just bare metal. But recently ive been looking into setting up spell checking. So i installed hunspell and the languages i want. When i open up a document and write “I dont want to die, This is a sotware” It changes the i to a I and dont with a ’ so everything good there but sotware is wrong but no red line or anything indicating that its wrong. i ran a hunspell command on my server

echo "I want to make sure I don’t die. I want to test this sotware" | hunspell
Hunspell 1.7.2
& sotware 4 53: software, sot ware, sot-ware, wetware

I guess this is a good output but its still not working even with a restart.

Hi @turtle, welcome to the Collabora Online forums!

Have you made sure the spell check settings in coolwsd.xml are configured correctly? Please verify that everything is properly set up. For reference, here’s the configuration section for external spell and grammar check services:

    These are the settings for external (remote) spell checker and grammar checker services. Currently, LanguageTool and Duden Korrekturserver APIs are supported, and you can use either of them. By default, these services are disabled. To enable support, set the "enabled" property to true. The configuration works with both self-hosted and cloud services, including free and premium versions. For example, if using the cloud version of LanguageTool, the "base_url" may be set to https://api.languagetoolplus.com/v2. Please note that document data, such as text, will be sent to the cloud API. Be sure to review the relevant privacy policies, e.g., https://languagetool.org/legal/privacy.
<languagetool desc="Remote API settings for spell and grammar checking">
    <enabled desc="Enable Remote Spell and Grammar Checker" type="bool" default="false"></enabled>
    <base_url desc="HTTP endpoint for the API server, without /check or /languages postfix at the end." type="string" default=""></base_url>
    <user_name desc="LanguageTool or Duden account username for premium usage." type="string" default=""></user_name>
    <api_key desc="API key provided by LanguageTool or Duden account for premium usage." type="string" default=""></api_key>
    <ssl_verification desc="Enable or disable SSL verification. You may have to disable it in test environments with self-signed certificates." type="string" default="true"></ssl_verification>
    <rest_protocol desc="REST API protocol. For LanguageTool leave it blank, for Duden Korrekturserver use the string 'duden'." type="string" default=""></rest_protocol>

You can also find more details in the Collabora Online SDK documentation.

@turtle, I noticed you’ve installed several languages. Could you specify which languages are not working? Is it UK English, US English, or others?


This is my xml

        <languagetool desc="Remote API settings for spell and grammar checking">
                <enabled default="true" desc="Enable Remote Spell and Grammar Checker" type="bool"/>
                <base_url default="" desc="HTTP endpoint for the API server, without /check or /languages postfix at the end." type="string"/>
                <user_name default="" desc="LanguageTool or Duden account username for premium usage." type="string"/>
                <api_key default="" desc="API key provided by LanguageTool or Duden account for premium usage." type="string"/>
                <ssl_verification default="true" desc="Enable or disable SSL verification. You may have to disable it in test environments with self-signed certificates." type="string"/>
                <rest_protocol default="" desc="REST API protocol. For LanguageTool leave it blank, for Duden Korrekturserver use the string 'duden'." type="string"/>
        <deepl desc="DeepL API settings for translation service">
                <enabled default="false" desc="If true, shows translate option as a menu entry in the compact view and as an icon in the tabbed view." type="bool">false</enabled>
                <api_url default="" desc="URL for the API" type="string"/>
                <auth_key default="" desc="Auth Key generated by your account" type="string"/>

and currently, i think all languages are working as of correcting small letters to big but it is a bit hard to test languages i dont speak nativly, or alteast well enough to understand. None work as of red line under wrong sentences or anything, its just the small letters to big and some corrections like making dont to don’t.