- tdf#164249 adjust XML_localSheetId to take into account not
exported sheets- possibly the source of the most common crashtesting failure
to reimport, we shall see
- possibly the source of the most common crashtesting failure
- optimize unoxml for the common case of no listeners
→ - use more string_view and avoid a few strlens
→ - memory-optimization
- pahole to shrink objects by alignment improvements
→ Private/caolan/pahole by caolanm · Pull Request #11238 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- pahole to shrink objects by alignment improvements
- improve lifecycle ownership of asyncInstall task
→ protect asyncInstall lifecycle by caolanm · Pull Request #11252 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub - a report that the docker uid < 1000 is a problem for some
security scanning stuff, so
→ use higher uid/gid for cool in docker images by caolanm · Pull Request #11232 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub - add duration data to bg save watchdog, double timeout
→ Private/caolan/save watchdog woes by caolanm · Pull Request #11235 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub - some older perfs can hang it turns out
→ stash workaround in
Private/caolan/pahole by caolanm · Pull Request #11238 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub - finish pahole, -Wshadow stuff
- split tile queue into per-canonical-viewid queues
- use integers for tile priorities
→ - Keep tiles sorted, so they are arranged as ttb rows with
ltr cells in rows - rename NormalizedViewId terminology with CanonicalViewId throughout
- KitQueue::deprioritizePreviews is unused
- use a CanonicalViewId enum for all canonicalViewIds
→ - poke at “extremely large tile combine” warnings
- basically two medium len strips that touch at a corner
(or minimally overlap) turns into a very long double height
strip. That looks improvable.
Missing “underlining” on a long row of space characters
- Everything ported to co branches
WebDAV / OAUTH 2.0 authentication (Collabora Office)
- Installed NextCloud server
- Have problems setting up OAuth
- Decided to implement it with GDrive first (tdf#101630)
- Reading the spec
- We need to create a minimal localhost web server, to serve a
redirect URL, where the auth service (WebDAV server, Google, …) will
eventually redirect, and the redirect URL will actually contain the key - Also we start a browser with the auth URL (which itself includes
that localhost redirect URL) - AuthenticationFallbackRequest,
UUIInteractionHelper::handleAuthFallbackRequest, AuthFallbackDlg - Implemented the interaction on Windows (the server is easy using
http.h) - We can’t auto-close the page in browser - the ‘window.close()’ is
blocked by all browsers, when the current page is not opened from the
script. - Working on handling the data in the server
PPTX – font embedding
- Simplified the code for EOT and reading of TTF fonts
- Tried to make EOT writer 0x00020002 version compatible
- but sadly didn’t help with MSO compatibility
- Pushed to gerrit - export + import
WebDav OAuth2
- started on the macOS side
Worked on Implement Per-User Change Tracking · Issue #11226 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub