Status Report week 25


Worked on

  • View jump in Calc
    • ​​​​found problem with following when using keyboard
  • Server audit
  • regular users are notified about updates

In Progress

  • inserting pictures from integration


Worked on

  • ​​​​Calc - All users gets Autofilter warning dialog


Worked on

  • Display bug in calc Conditionnal formatting
  • Now users can manage all the conditions of all types from the easy conditions dialog which is triggered by the condition manage
  • Condition manager can now display all the conditions from the same range too
  • Easy condition dialog displays style previews too
  • Easy condition dialog now can add direct formulas and date conditions too.

In Progress ​​​​​

  • Remove “Conditional Formatting for” tunneled dialog


Worked on

  • Copy hyperlink does not work in Calc when cell is selected

In Progress

  • Copy hyperlink does not work in Calc when cell is selected