Status Report Week 9


Worked on

  • 24.04: added KeyboardShortcuts.ts for easier and safe shortcutsmodification
  • Fixed tooltip issues

In progress

  • Cannot insert image from Nextcloud


Worked on

  • Difficult to move textboxes in presentations​​​​​
  • Comments are broken when editing a document from within Deck (GH#3470)
  • Writer comment messes up entire window
  • Resolved comments are not hidden completly
  • Annotations: writer comment insertion duplicated on small screen
  • Collabora Editing - Performance in Writer fails after adding a comment to the file

In progress

  • Checking: Comments can overlap with browser zoom / display scaling


Worked on

  • Calc: Currency dropdown: Default value is confusing

In progress

  • ​​​Investigating Calc: Print range not used and cleared on print