- Redimensionar de coluna.
- Validação de dados.
- Travamento inesperado na hora de dar zoom.
- No momento de colocar uma fórmula e selecionar outra aba, não seleciona a mesma.
Hello @ecomania, welcome to the forum.
Thanks for helping with the Android APK and Calc.
I’m going to translate your post from “Portuguese (Brazil) → English” using DeepL:
Bugs found in the APK
- Column resizing.
- Data validation.
- Unexpected crash when zooming.
- When placing a formula and selecting another tab, it doesn’t select it.
Q1. What is the exact version of your Collabora app?
- When you are in a document, press:
- Three-Line Menu > About.
Q2. What phone + Android version are you using?
Q3. Can you give a little more steps on each problem in Calc? What buttons/menus are you pressing?
I just tested Column Resizing, and I was able to get it to work:
- Clicking on a column
- Then pressing + dragging on the “two lines” on the right:
Note: There is a newer 24.04 APK coming out for Android soon. There have also been lots of fixes since 23.05.
Hopefully that will fix some of your crashing issues too.