Hey @yourmother , welcome to the forum.
Your device is an “arm64” device.
So, if you visit the “Collabora Office Android Snapshot” page…
- Look for the latest one that says:
- Then pick the one with the newest date.
As of today, it’s:
- collabora-office-mobile-23.05-snapshot-arm64-v8a-2023-09-06.apk
Note: You can break the filenames down into 3 key parts:
- The name of the version
+ blah blah blah +23.05
- = Collabora Office 23.05 Android files!
- The “architecture” of your phone
- The date
= September 6th, 2023
Note #2: Also pay attention, because:
- There are currently 10 of the latest builds showing.
- They are sorted roughly by oldest->newest
- So last week’s 2023-08-26 shows up higher than today’s 2023-09-06.
You could sort by the “Last Modified” column to make it a little easier.