Collabora Online Development Edition Spreadsheets

Hello everyone,

After upgrading Collabora Online Development Edition from 4.2 to 6.4, I need to print spreadsheets files with landscape layout, But I can’t find this option, Also I need to print selection (when selecting multiple cells).

That’s a good question. I didn’t miss it myself so far, but can’t find it indeed.
Possibly on the todo list? I’ll check that with the developers.
Thanks for notifying, but sorry for now…
FYI: the current options for switching between classic toolbar and NotebookBar are given here


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: HowTo Switch – Collabora Online Classic Tool Bar or NotebookBar

I’ve have just started my journey in setting up and installing next cloud and CODE. Everything about CODE and its integration is perfect, except the same issue that OP is having. Myself and others that are using this need to be able to select a range of cells, and then print just that in landscape format. As simple of a problem as that may be, the current way of printing is exporting the entire file to pdf and them searching for the page. And even then the range maybe split across two pages.

Our testing continues and hope that this can be something added in the near future.

Thanks for any replies in advance.

I agree with you, we need to be able to select a range of cells to be printed.

That would be possible by exposing the ‘PDF Options’ dialog in online, since printing in online goes via PDF export.

Note PDF Options are available in Collabora Online/CODE since some time :slight_smile:

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