Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #12
Date: Feb 11, 2021
Next meeting: Feb 18, 2021
All minutes published on:
Muhammet, Pedro, Kendy, Gabriel, Gokay, Andras, Szymon, Nicolas, Ezinne, Thorsten,
Aron, Pranam, Padia
Community update (Muhammet)
75+ new contributors (25+ code contributors) since the move to github
Roundup #9 is out, covering the last ~2+ months
Blog posts are appreciated
- Help us credit/thank you.
- Help us credit/thank you.
CSV handling (Pedro)
Already merged & tested. → Done.
Remarks from Andras → Might be good to make names more consistent
- Download-as section
Template Contest (Nicolas)
Didn’t have time much
next week prolly an update
Some good looking, might be good for COOL and Collabora Office
Needs checking/verification for image license etc.
JSON Toolbar / Notebookbar changes (Kendy)
- No updates since last week
Dynamic changes of Toolbar type (Gabriel)
fixed the issues – and re-based a few minnutes ago, waiting for the build to finish
- hope that there are no other issues.
Allows a setting outside the frame: can change the UI without re-loading the doc.
Had a comment on offsets (Szymon)
- already fixed.
Bind Mounting / Hard-linking (Gabriel)
Looking into it in the next days – back on COOL for a few days
Pending a re-work, we have a single jail setup before we spawn children (Michael)
- so there is less chance for racing.
re-render the fonts pre-fork …
CanvasTileLayer bits (Gokay)
Positioning bits merged
Scroll-bar is being converted to Typescript.
How much more needs doing ? (Michael)
canvas / ruler rendering in writer (Gokay)
- and a couple of other bits.
Selections are rendered to the canvas
Still lots to do (Kendy)
not under a month yet
cursors are not rendered on canvas yet.
- Need to consider how we do blinking.
some issues on mobile phones.
- still mostly working nicely there
But if we decide to ship it right-away, more or less possible
- with some polishing of the bits.
Dennis soon pushing a unit-test framework for typescript code (Kendy)
real unit-testing in the JS part.
Extremely exciting
Using nodejs – run – can assert things directly on the classes
- polygons / points / boundaries – can unit test the proper way
finding time to help with selections/cursor pixels (Pedro)
Icon theming (css class names) (Andreas K)
- No update.
Load testing (Michael)
Major wins in calc collaborative editing in latest COOL/CODE
‘coolstress’ needs more work.
Async Saving (Kendy)
preparation will land shortly.
- pull requests have been updated
then – we connect the dots to save asynchronously
Release schedule bits
new CODE releases to test some of the new features we have queued
FontWork, incremental dialog / JSON update work soon → 6.4.6 ~ready
Then other releases to test async save – in a few weeks.
COOL will de-couple from that for a bit.
Notebookbar scrolling issue #1395 (Pedro)
scrolling not working after change in CSS for better alignment
issue with the notebookbar container – now called table-cell, not table
Pedro has fixed it – and improved alignment a bit.
Passed CI, about to be merged.
Invalidation Debugging (Padia Rashesh)
submitted the push request.
Please CC me on it (Michael)
Could use some help with:
Szymon – to have a look.
Pull requests in need of attention (Kara)
- all taken care of …
Next Meeting
Next meeting will take place on Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 11:00 am (UTC)