Hello World - api

Is there a “hello world” out there?

I’m looking for an editor I can embed in a web page.

Any links would be appreciated.

I can access http://localhost:9980 and see an “OK” but beyond that I have no clue what to do next.

Hello @the7erm !

I’m looking for an editor I can embed in a web page.

Nice : )

Well after you build it and run it you should see a bunch of links ready for you in your terminal, like so:

Launch one of these in your browser:

    Writer:          http://localhost:9980/loleaflet/xxxxxxxxx/loleaflet.html?file_path=file:///home/pedro/LibreOffice/online/test/data/hello-world.odt
    Calc:            http://localhost:9980/loleaflet/xxxxxxxxx/loleaflet.html?file_path=file:///home/pedro/LibreOffice/online/test/data/hello-world.ods
    Impress:         http://localhost:9980/loleaflet/xxxxxxxxx/loleaflet.html?file_path=file:///home/pedro/LibreOffice/online/test/data/hello-world.odp
    postMessage:     http://localhost:9980/loleaflet/dist/framed.doc.html?file_path=/home/pedro/LibreOffice/online/test/data/hello-world.ods

Or for the admin, monitoring, capabilities & discovery:


Thanks for the info.