How to adjust fonts

I am /opt/collaboraoffice/share/fonts/truetype path added Chinese fonts, but on the page does not display Chinese, how to show it into Chinese?
Also, how to adjust the size of the above navigation bar font, I want to make it smaller.

To display Chinese fonts in Collabora Online after adding them to /opt/collaboraoffice/share/fonts/truetype, you may need to take a few additional steps to ensure they are properly recognized and used.


  1. Ensure the Fonts are Installed Correctly:

    • After placing the Chinese font files in /opt/collaboraoffice/share/fonts/truetype, verify that the font files are readable by the system and that they have the correct permissions. You can check this with:
      ls -l /opt/collaboraoffice/share/fonts/truetype
    • Make sure the font files have the necessary permissions (e.g., 755 or similar).
  2. Rebuild the Font Cache:

    • Run the following command to rebuild the font cache so that Collabora recognizes the new fonts:
      fc-cache -f -v
    • This command forces a rebuild of the system’s font cache and verifies the availability of the newly added fonts.
  3. Restart Collabora:

    • After making changes to the fonts and configuration, restart your Collabora Online instance to apply the changes:
      systemctl restart coolwsd
    • If you’re running Collabora using Docker or Podman, restart the container.
  4. Test Font Display:

    • Open a document in Collabora Online that contains Chinese text, and check if the fonts display correctly.
    • You can also try applying the Chinese font explicitly to a text in the document editor.

Optional Step: Install Additional Chinese Fonts

If you haven’t installed any Chinese fonts yet, you may want to install popular Chinese fonts like Noto Sans CJK SC or WenQuanYi Zen Hei to ensure broad coverage of Chinese characters.

  • For Ubuntu or Debian, you can install these fonts using:
    sudo apt-get install fonts-noto-cjk
    sudo apt-get install fonts-wqy-zenhei

Following these steps should help ensure Chinese characters are displayed properly in Collabora Online. Let me know if any specific issue persists!

I have carried out the operation according to the above steps, but still no Chinese is displayed.

I have tried many things, without exception, to no avail.

Is there any other way?

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