How to use filter in collabora online? (problem in filtering)

I have a problem that shown big space at the top as below picture when use filtering in Collabora Online.
But nothing problem when open the same file on Libre Office.

If possible, could you please tell me please…

I am currently on:
Nextcloud ver: Hub 4 (26.0.13)
COOLWSD version:

Test Environments:
OS (Ubuntu, Windows10)
Tested Brosers(Chrome, Vavaldi, Firefox)

Hey @007Poe, welcome to the forum and thanks for the info/screenshot.

Can you share a sample of the ODS file?

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Sure, I’d be happy to share the sample file for you to review. :innocent:

But the popup says “Sorry, new users cannot upload attachments.
I am new user so i can’t upload file… :joy:
Please let me know if there are any other methods.
Thank you in advance…

Hey @007Poe,

Try to attach ODS file again now.

If you still get that “cannot upload attachments” popup, then please upload it to a different filesharing site (like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) and then share the link here.

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Thank you @Tex

i uploaded test ods file and short video clip.
can you check from this link? :bowing_man: :bowing_man:

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Hi @007Poe and thanks for all the reporting, much appreciated!

I have created the following issue Autfilter: filter changes 1st column height · Issue #8961 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub with your and some of my findings. I could reproduce the bug, we will look into it. For additional questions or reports on that issue → best to follow the progress there.

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