Impossible to disable auto linking

If your text is the actual link in a cell it’s impossible to remove the auto linking. There’s also no options to disable auto linking feature.

Pressing this button doesn’t remove the link.


Even if I tried not using a link and use a word instead, the remove link button doesn’t work either.

This seems like a bug report but I’m not sure where to report it.

Hey @SafeLamp. Welcome to the forum + thanks for the report. :slight_smile:

I confirm this bug. Also looks like the “Copy link location” button doesn’t work either!

So, in Calc, after clicking on a URL and getting the popup.

You then can click on:

  • The URL works.
    • YES → Get the “External link” popup + sends you to URL.
  • “Copy link location”
    • NO.
  • “Edit Link”
    • YES → get the “Hyperlink” popup.
  • “Remove Link”
    • NO.

Would also help to get your exact:

  • Help > About info too!

Here’s mine:

COOLWSD version: (git hash: bada0174)
LOKit version: Collabora Office (git hash: ddb454b)
Served by: Linux Mint 21.3
Server ID: a54351db

The “Collabora Online” Github is where bug reports go. :slight_smile:

Do you have an account there? (If not, then I can post it there too if needed.)

If you want to remove hyperlinks in Calc, you can also remove it manually by:

Method 1: “Clear Direct Formatting” button in Home tab


Method 2: Right-Click

  • Highlight the cell.
  • Right-Click > Clear Direct Formatting

Would also help to get your exact: Help > About info too!

COOLWSD version: (git hash: 594b605 (E))
LOKit version: Collabora Office (git hash: 31b6e2c)
Served by: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)

Thanks for the provided solutions. I do have an account on Github where I added this issue discussed here. I took the liberty to use your write up which brought up more issues. Hope that’s fine and thank you for helping!

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