Login to web console is not working

Today I updated Collabora from ver to I have Collabora connected from nextcload and everything works great.
The problem is logging into the web console


I haven’t changed my name and password.
I tried creating a new password, but I still can’t log in.

sudo coolconfig set-admin-password
Enter admin username [admin]: admin
Enter admin password: 
Confirm admin password: 
Saving configuration to : /etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml ...

I am experiencing the same issue. I just updated to the latest version, listed in my Nextcloud Office settings as:

Collabora Online Development Edition 8d0ad9add2

When I attempt to browse to the admin console my credentials are rejected.
I changed the password using set-admin-password and get the same result.

In the server logs I see this entry every time I attempt a login, whether I use a password that should be valid or one I know is not:

[ websrv_poll ] ERR FileServerRequestHandler::NotAuthenticated: No authentication information found: Invalid admin login| wsd/FileServer.cpp:767

I don’t know if this is related at all or not, but I also see this error in the server logs every time I open a document in my Nextcloud Instance:

[ websrv_poll ] ERR FileServerRequestHandler: File not found: Invalid URI request (hash): [/browser/8d0ad9add2/images/dark/lc_convertformulatovalue.svg].| wsd/FileServer.cpp:779

The documents load and save just fine as far as I can tell, so this error makes no sense, and I only noticed it because I was troubleshooting the admin access issue.

I’m back to version now.

@gusto we have found regression and will be fixed with next release thanks for feedback. Hope you will be happy after next update :slight_smile:

Fix: Fix regression from c0e53f04741987b70 by timar · Pull Request #10806 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub


Thank you, I’ll wait for the next release.

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