Nextcloud 30.0.5 + CODE + Nextcloud Office don't work

Dear all

I am having trouble installing the system on a shared host environment. I used Softaculous to install Nextcloud and installed the two apps (CODE and Nextcloud Office) from the apps store.

I keep having this error when selecting the “Use built-in CODE - Collabora Online Development Edition”:

Could not establish connection to the Collabora Online server.

Failed to connect to the remote server: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 5000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (see libcurl - Error Codes) for

Any ideas will be very much appreciated


Hello @fabreupeixoto, welcome to the Collabora forums!

From my research and findings on various articles and forum discussions, this issue is commonly resolved by increasing the connection timeout. Additionally, factors like bandwidth limitations or large document sizes might also contribute to the problem.


Thank you very much @darshan, unfortunately it should not be only about the this. But I can’t figure it out yet.

Hello. I also encountered this problem after upgrading, and rolling back to the previous version helped me. Try using the previous version of Collabora Online - Built-in CODE Server: 24.4.902. To do this, remove the current version from NEXTCLOUD and install version 24.4.902 using these instructions:
On the page in the cloud, disable the built-in Collabora Online - CODE Server application

  1. On the page, delete the Collabora Online applications - built-in CODE server
  2. Upload the archived file with the previous version to the /var/www/html/nextcloud/apps directory
  3. Unzip the archive using the command: tar zxvf richdocumentscode.tar.gz
  4. Set the user for the folder using the command: chown -R www-data:nogroup richdocumentscode
  5. Go back to the nextcloud apps page and turn on the app.

@Sem060923 Welcome to the collabora online forum!

Thanks for sharing the solution/workaround. Appreciated!