Possible to disable simultaneous editing?


That question may seem weird for such an app, but though we use CollaboraOnline, our context leads us to need a way to disable simultaneous editing for each document, or other way to say it is : limit concurrent editing of every document to one people.

Is there some parameter allowing such a limit?

Thank you

Hello @nec! Welcome to the Collabora Online forums! :tada:

It’s quite interesting to hear that you want to restrict document editing to a single user, especially considering that Collabora is designed for multi-user simultaneous editing! :blush:

@nec, could you please share the specific reason for this requirement? We’ve had a similar inquiry before—feel free to check out this link: Is there any possibility to decrease the number of simultaneously opened documents?


Hello @darshan ,

The use case for our client is that they need a way to edit .doc files as templates for an app, but their absolutely need is that only one user changes a template at a time.

I created an explicite docker compose file, including the following parameters :

      extra_params: "--o:ssl.enable=true --o:per_document.max_concurrency=1 --o:net.proto=IPv4"

Obviously, the option related to this topic is the one about concurrency.
I’m not able to witness if this change is effective, as I have to rely on our client to validate this change, but I’m hoping it’s fine.

Concurrency there means the number of threads you can use at once as the comment says: “The maximum number of threads to use while processing a document.” - and does not limit the number of users who can edit a document - or the number of simultaneously opened documents

This is very unfortunate.

I guess there exist no such limiting option, in which case you would have pointed me to it…