Property wopi host allow not working/filtering


I am running CODE on dedicated ubuntu 20 with apache2 reverse proxy; installed with packages for ubuntu.

If I set in coolwsd.xml the wopi-host-option
(-host desc=“hostname to allow or deny.” allow=“true”-)scheme://hostname:port(-/host-)
(- instead of <
with right or wrong server names I can always open documents from our Nextcloud server. This means that everybody can use our CODE server.

What did I overlook?

Thanks for reading and answering.

@uliulmer You need to enable groups options then only it will consider the host entries
Let me paste the example configuration:

          <alias_groups mode="groups">
                    <host allow="true"></host>

More info why mode needs to be changed to groups check description in coolwsd.xml about alias_groups
Let me know if It works as expected : )
More info on sdk: Configuration — SDK documentation

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Thank you very much, it didn’t work
I can still access from an different server name (alias) and Admin Console shows both wopi hosts.

Is there a possibility

  • to check the configuration
  • to see with config properties are in the running coolwsd
    Thanks a lot
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forgot to change <!– (and end of comment) to

now it works

Thank you very much

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@uliulmer glad it worked : )

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