Question About Display Options/Settings On Android Device

Hey @uncledirtnap. Thanks for the question and welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

Hmmm, so if I understand you correctly. You are:

  1. Creating an ODP that is “Portrait”.
  2. You press the “Fullscreen Presentation” button.
  3. Collabora Impress is flipping you Landscape/“Horizontal”.

And you want Collabora Impress to:

  • Stay “Portrait”.
  • And/or follow the Android OS’s Rotation settings.
    • Rotating phone landscape = horizontal slides.
    • Rotating phone portrait = vertical slides.

And, if I’m reading this correctly… I think the root cause might be… letting Impress’s:

  • “Fullscreen Presentation” mode follow Android’s/iOS’s rotation setting

I think that would be a huge step in the right direction. :slight_smile:

I tested a basic ODP on:

  • Android + Collabora app

and it looks like right after you:

  • Hit the “Fullscreen Presentation” button.

Collabora forces Landscape mode no matter what (even if Android’s “Auto-Rotate” is disabled or locked to “Portrait”).

Rotating my phone counterclockwise:

  • 0 + 180 (vertical) did nothing.
  • 90 + 270 (horizontal)
    • 90 (Left) = the default orientation
    • 270 (Right) = flipped it so slides were right-side up.

Hmmm… Can you share/attach a sample ODP?

There are differences between:

  1. An “actual Portrait” presentation.


  1. A presentation that just happens to have dimensions that “LOOK like it’s Portrait”.

For example, in LibreOffice 24.2:

There is an Orientation setting which can be:

  • Portrait
  • Landscape

So let’s say you had a 16"x9" slide. You could have:

  • 16″×9″ Landscape
  • 9″×16″ Portrait

or, you manually changed the dimensions to:

  • 9″×16″, but underneath, you’re actually telling Impress it’s “Landscape”.

(I don’t believe Collabora Impress on Android gives you access to that “Orientation” setting. At least I couldn’t quickly find it while poking around.)