Remote fonts only partially working

I have set up collabora office and nextcloud using docker compose. It is mostly working, but I have problems with remote fonts.

I have set the remote_font_config url to point to my nextcloud fonts.json, and it works well in text documents and spreadsheets. But it does not work in drawings and presentations.

Is there anythings I can do to get access to remote fonts also in presentations and drawings?

I guess this is not a common problem, since nobody answered.

Are there anybody here who uses remote_font_config to add fonts from nextcloud, and are actually seeing these fonts in all the collabora tools (text, spreadsheets, drawings and presentations)?

Would be good to know if others are doing this with success, or if I am using an untested and faulty feature.

Hello @djupdal i found a GH issue thread with same issue for remote font config. Remote font configuration not work · Issue #5437 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub

Can you explain me steps to configure these fonts? I want to try to reproduce and see if i can found anything from logs

Also, please mention which version you are using? it may possible an older version is the reason for some fixes not be there in your current version…


To configure fonts in Collabora Online, ensure that Remote Font support is enabled in your coolwsd.xml file or by providing the necessary options in your Docker Compose configuration for the CODE container.

For font configuration details, refer to the Configuration guide.

For Docker setup, follow the instructions in the Docker image configuration guide.

Hello @darshan.

I saw that bug, but my problem is different.

I use docker compose, and have the following configuration:

    image: collabora/code                                                       
    restart: unless-stopped                                                     
    container_name: collabora                                                   
      - domain=<removed>                                             
      - DONT_GEN_SSL_CERT=YES                                                   
      - dictionaries=nb_NO nn_NO es_ES ca_ES en_US en_GB                        
      - extra_params=--o:ssl.enable=false --o:ssl.termination=true --o:remote_f\
son --o:user_interface.mode=compact                                             
      - 9980:9980                                                               
      - "9980"                                                                  
      - traefik                                                                 
      - MKNOD                                                                   
      - "traefik.enable=true"                                                   
      - "traefik.http.routers.collabora.rule=Host(`>removed>`)\
      - "traefik.http.routers.collabora.entrypoints=websecure"                  
      - "traefik.http.routers.collabora.tls=true"                               
      - "traefik.http.routers.collabora.tls.certresolver=myresolver"

Here is a screenshot of the administration settings page for office:

Note that there is a font called pacifico.

Here is a screenshot of collabora office writer, showing that the Pacifico font is available:

Here is a screenshot of collabora office draw, showing that the Pacifico font is not there:

I hope this demonstrates the problem. Thanks for you help :slight_smile:

FYI - if you have pre-forked a number of documents; then it is likely that you’ll re-use old documents that don’t have the font included for a while (or is it? - perhaps we prune those). Either way - generally for new documents where new >= number-of-pre-forked-documents which is perhaps 4 by default (?) - then you should get the new fonts.

It would be -really- surprising to see them present in some types of document but not others, they all come from the same spawned parent.


I am not familiar with pre-forking, so I don’t know how that works. But I just tried creating a lot of new draw-documents and the extra fonts do not show up in any of them. But they always show up in writer-documents.

Interesting - thanks for the report; did you file a ticket at github ? =) TBH I’m really rather curious why that is [!] =) Can you do Ctrl-Alt-Shift-D and turn on protcol dumping, then look in the console when you select the drop-down in a font list - is the font listed in the JSON that comes to the console ? =)

Thanks for you interest :slight_smile:

I pressed Ctrl-Alt-Shift-D and got the debug menu. Protocol dumping is on. I assume this is dumped to the browser web console, right? I get lots of INCOMING and OUTGOING messages there.

But there is no log output when I select the font dropdown menu in the toolbar, nor in the sidebar. I get lots of output if I change font, but I don’t see any message with a list of all the fonts.

I did not yet file this issue on github. Not entirely sure yet if this is a configuration issue or other user error, or if this is actually a bug.

The version is

Yes - you’ll prolly need to open eg. a dialog that has a list of fonts in it; or switch sidebar tabs (perhaps). As you say this prolly best belongs in the github bug tracker; please do CC Darshan on that ticket =)