Status report: consultancy team, week 32, 2024



  • Tested and estimated Deadlock while accessing CLSID Property of OLEs
  • Failed to repro LibreOffice crash while setting FrameStyleName
    • Asked for more information
    • Got a call stack - I can use it to blind-fix (handle exception in SwView::ImpSetVerb)
  • “File crashes collabora/libre on save” regression after MS formats export refactor
    • fixed
  • Table content not displaying in LO 7.5 but visible in LO 7.6
    • A series of changes after the previous fix
    • It seems it opened a can of worms
    • Backported them
  • “crashing on particular text copy (tdf#162398)” Another regression
  • Upstream: tdf#162426 - HTML export related
  • Crash on load - text box in table column 2
    • It still looks puzzling; I don’t find an easy way to avoid creation of fly frames, which would not break things left and right


slideshow presentation

  • Video playback fixes
    • unmute sound
    • stop rendering when changing the slide
  • Testing the sldieshow
  • VCL / Drawinglayer slide rendering
    • separate master and slide rendering, and render them separately
    • fight to get the master background only rendered in the master slide and not in the actual slide
      • needed a new bool variable to disable background rendering
    • search for “fields” in a master and render them to a separate layer (if needed)
      • those can vary from slide to slide so those need to be rendered separately
    • finding which objects are animated


Worked on: