Status report: consultancy team, week 38, 2024




New online slideshow presentation

  • VCL / Drawinglayer slide rendering
    • found a way to render paragraphs individually
    • in ViewObjectContactRedirector we get access to Primitive2DDecompositionVisitior, which we can convert to Primitive2DContainer
    • this means we can check what is about to be rendered and potentially modify the tree
    • when rendering a SdrTextObj for animation we always render only the object, so there is no other object in there which would conflict
    • the issue is that to access paragraphs we need to decompose the primitives and then rely that the decomposition is buffered for this to work
    • this is the ugly part of the drawing layer primitives - they are not generally meant to be modified just created and then decomposed
    • then we remove “unwanted” paragraphs (nicely separated in it’s own primitive TextHierarchyParagraphPrimitive2D)
    • and luckily removing the paragraphs works in this case
    • next: do it properly to render each paragraph in each layer