Worked on
- Date format in XLSX gets messed upFixed tooltip issues
In progress
- Date format in XLSX gets messed upFixed tooltip issues
- w2toolbar and notebookbar keyboard accelerators
detection for menubutton
Worked on
- Difficult to move textboxes in presentations
- Checking: Comments can overlap with browser zoom / display scaling
- Nextcloud UI switches to dark mode but Collabora Online does not
- Fixed scrolling to comment if it goes out of the doc area
- Paste remembers only the first text copied
In progress
- writer: comments are half visible in small window with autosave
Worked on
- File name field unnecessarily hidden at smaller window width
- Dark mode: Cannot see anything In dark mode interface, due to the font color being black
In progress
- Calc: It is not possible to set the chart X axis format to a custom date ‘MMM YY’