Stuck on how to set up users/authorization

Hey hey,

I am a new user who is trying to look at solutions for a specific use case.
I work for a school as IT admin and we are looking around for options as we need an office environment for our exam users that needs to comply with the following options:

  • Optionally NO Spellcheck/grammar check etc, if needed two different URLS would be preferred so we can assign it for specific users with needs.
  • Hosted in the Google Cloud (GCP), we don’t have an on-prem server anymore.
  • Preferably locked down with SSO using Google Workspace (LDAP would be an option as well with GW)
  • Scalable in users for a short time. We only need it about 2 months a year and we don’t know how many users until about a month in advance and sometimes we need to suddenly scale up a user or two for, for example, medical reason.

Since we are a Google Workspace school it needs to be accessible on Chromebooks that we have locked down to just 1 URL, our Collabora Online.

I have Collabora set up and running in GCP but can’t figure out how to manage users, everywhere I look it says “follow the documentation of Collabora” but I can’t find it anywhere. The only documentation about LDAP/SSO I can find is about LDAP in Access and not on the backend itself.

Anyone who can point me in the right direction for documentation?

Hi Niels,
User rights are managed in the document server that integrates COOL/CODE.
Does that help?
(& sorry for the late reply…)

Hey @nielsb,

Since you work for a school… Please contact the Sales team through the “Request a Quote” button:

They can cover some of your questions + get you favorable deals per seat.

You could also get specialized Long-Term Support (LTS) for your specific setup. :slight_smile:

This would be possible through user groups.

For example, you could give teachers full Edit capabilities, while students might only have Read-Only view.

Or Students A get features A, B, and C… and Students B get more features X, Y, and Z available in their UI.

For a little more info, see: