Writer collabora office ipad group shapes

On iPad i have installed collabora office. I tried to group shapes without success.
I want to select two shapes (a circle and a square) then group them.
I don’t know how to select them. I tried with a mouse, i tried to maintain one finger uppon one shape during i select the other one.

@rLp Welcome to the Collabora Online forum!

I’ve encountered the same issue when trying to select both shapes on an Android tablet, and it doesn’t seem to work there either.

@rLp, could you please help by reporting this bug on GitHub with a screen recording? This will help us investigate the issue further. You can submit the bug report here: CollaboraOnline GitHub - Bug Report.


So it’s really a bug
I can re reexplain the encountered problem by copying the first message but a simply screenshot doesn’t explain the encountered problem

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Thanks, @rLp appreciated :slight_smile: