Android : how to share a PDF in Collabora?

Hello, I am quite new with Collabora, even to move away from MS.
I installed Collabora from fdroid with version on Android 12 on Samsung S10.

If I open eg from K—9 Mail an attachted PDF in Collabora , I want to share this file via and Messenger like Threema or others.

How to do that?

Thanks for help,

Hey @tholie75. Welcome to the forum + thanks for the question. :slight_smile:

Hmmm, so if I’m understanding you correctly. You are:

  1. Downloading a PDF from your mail app.
  2. Opening the PDF in Collabora Office app.
    • Doing some edits, leaving comments in the PDF or something?

Now you want to:

  1. Share the (edited?) PDF to someone else.

Method A: Collabora Office’s Opening Screen

Right now, if you open up the Collabora Office app, you should see the first screen:

Next to the PDF (or ODT/ODS/…) document:

  1. Click on the three-dot menu.
  2. Click “Share”.
  3. Choose which app you want to use.

Method B: Android File Manager

Or… you can just go into your file manager and share it just like any other file on your phone.

For example, let’s say…

  1. You open an email and download the attachment:
    • example.pdf goes into your Downloads folder.
  2. You click on example.pdf to open it in Collabora.

In Collabora, you can:

  1. Do your edits or whatever is needed.
  2. File > Save (or File > Save As and choose a new location)

Now, in your file manager (for example, I use X-plore) you can just:

  • Go to that folder.
    • For example, /Download folder.
  • Press+Hold on PDF.
  • Click “Share”.
  • Choose which app you want to share/attach the PDF to.

Hello, Thanks for your reply.

The case is a but different from mentioned method A.

  1. Open mail in K9

  2. Press attachment once

  3. Android opens “open with”-Dialog

  4. Choose Collabora

  5. Collabora opens

  6. Frome here I want to share eg via messenger, without to go via file-app

  7. If I open Collabora again, file is not recent used avaiable.

How to share at point 7?

How to share at point 7?

Hmm, right now, you can’t.

The only way you can currently Share is if it shows up in the “Recent Files” in Collabora’s frontpage.

If you avoid your Step 3 (Android’s “Open With”/“Share” to Collabora step)… you can instead get any file to appear in the Collabora’s “Recent Files” by using Collabora itself.

Getting a File to Appear in Collabora’s “Recent Files” Page

  1. Download the PDF from your mail program.

  2. Open Collabora Office app.

  3. In the upper-right corner, you see the folder icon? Click on that:

  1. Navigate to your Downloads folder.
  • Choose the PDF file you downloaded in Step 1.
  1. After opening the PDF, you can now:
  • Go back.

This will lead you back to Collabora’s frontpage, where your PDF will now appear.

Then follow Method A above.

If I open Collabora again, file is not recent used avaiable.

Hmmm… something could definitely be adjusted here though. Seems like some crazy hoops we have to jump through on Android (perhaps iOS too?).

So an enhancement like:

  • Opening a file using Android’s “Share” menu should appear in Collabora’s “Recent Files”.

That might help smooth over some of clunkiness in this issue. :slight_smile: