Auto save do not work correctley with .xls on Collabora online

i have a issue with .xls, which do note save in auto with default duration. The application close connection with timeout and sujest to re-open it. And I have not modified file. But with .xlsx no problem - it would be auto saved.
LOKit: Collabora Office

So, how could I fix it?

Hey @SitnikovR, welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:


Can you try upgrading to the latest 23.05 (just released a few weeks ago!)?

i have a issue with .xls, which do note save in auto with default duration. The application close connection with timeout and sujest to re-open it.

So, you opened an XLS file, and Collabora Online just kicked you out and errored on you?

But that same file, saved as XLSX, works fine?

But with .xlsx no problem - it would be auto saved.

i have a issue with .xls, which do note save in auto with default duration.

  • Is it a specific XLS file? Or does it happen to you with all XLS files?
    • If it’s a specific file causing problems, can you please attach it?
  • Were there any errors appearing in the command line?

I opened a few test XLS files on my end, and they worked fine.

This is the version I tested:

COOLWSD version: (git hash: 6f34565a)
LOKit version: Collabora Office (git hash: 9a20ef2)
Served by: Linux Mint 21.1
Server ID: c150413d

Hi and thanks for answer.

I have trouble only with autosave file .xls other files are working fine. And there is no errors.
I will upgrade to the 23.05. and try with latest version.

Fantastic. Definitely let me know if 23.05 solved your XLS issue.

If not, then we could report it to Github so QA + devs can look into it. :slight_smile: