Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #16
Date: Mar 11, 2021
Next meeting: Mar 18, 2021
All minutes published on:
- Muhammet, Andras, Szymon, Gabriel Masei, Gökay, Pranam, Pedro, Nicolas Christener, Michael Meeks, Aron, Ezinne, Thorsten, Kendy
Community update (Muhammet)
85+ new contributors (25+ code contributors) since the move to github
Roundup #11 scheduled for the weekend
Roundups also shared on our profile.
A perfect place for bite-sized how-to posts for new devs and students
Blog posts are much appreciated
- Help us credit/thank you.
Template Contest (Nicolas)
Template winners, template blog post, further work
Six happy winners, getting bank transfers.
I’d like to re-run the contest in Q4 2021
Heiko having a follow-on series of blogs around creating templates (Pedro)
three posts that cover the basics of templates.
And alerts people to things you should generally avoid.
Hopefully helps to get better templates in future (Nicolas)
Plan to run a 2nd contest later in the year again.
Localized templates – needed at TDF …
Miklos added this to the next round of tasks in the wiki (Michael)
- po extraction & merging.
Maybe a “connection indicator” would make sense in Cool? (Nicolas)
On one COOL instance, tiled rendering was very slow – perhaps server under heavy load
- Users have no idea why / what the reason is.
Jitsi can tell you when your connection is slow – rendering or saving / of file etc.
Saving → currently synchrous with no feedback for WOPI save (Michael)
this can be really slow even between two machines next to each other
async save should fix this.
Good idea – lets wait for the async-save to land & get shipped.
Can prioritize ping/pong and time that to give some indication.
JSON Toolbar / Notebookbar changes (Szymon)
- Stuck still.
Bind Mounting / Hard-linking (Gabriel)
Sent another patch – up-loaded two of them
- took a look at 1st, waiting for feedback on the 2nd.
Looking into changing the name of the original folder creates some issues
- Kit doesn’t start afterwards.
Now doing it by measuring copy time / cost … a proposal.
Looking forward to feedback.
Perhaps some cases when the hardlink is slower; copy + hard-link.
Will review (Michael)
generally nervous about timing.
Can’t we stat and see what FS-type is ?
Cleanup lost children (Gabriel)
thought it wouldn’t be so useful when we discussed
a crucial mechanism for 1&1
when converting files – that convert-to option
cases when processes are de-coupled from loolwsd – and they hang
a few of these can jeopardize the entire pod.
Ash has some fixes in this area (Michael)
spinning 100% CPU when getting popup dialogs during load
- it was a dialog, that couldn’t quit etc.
Ash’ has a patch to kill these much harder in loolwsd
- “wsd: terminate Kit when disconnected while loading”
Seen the behavior in the editor – generated by a bug in doc loading in core
- could be in future other cases that can trigger this.
Patch is a check in Admin – checks for resource consumption
Cleanup-lost-children: checks system for kit processes …
compares those with the internal structures – doc-broker list, new children list
if not found → gives the kit 2 minutes, if not – kills it.
Lets get a patch in (Michael)
and add a configure option for this.
Not eager for an assassin feature =)
CanvasTileLayer bits (Gokay)
CanvasTileLayer now merged to co-6-4 and cp-6.4
Fixing bugs, working on scrollbar issues; slow in Firefox just now
continues moving after scrolling.
After fixing, will merge.
Whole lot of little nits, testing much appreciated.
Icon theming (css class names) (Pedro)
We have to do server side variable/color substitution → which is easy enough.
- Needs resourcing.
Async Saving (Kendy)
Still taking time, lots of things before we can enable it.
Biggest blocker – doing testing correctly, ServerSocket code
used to be an external echo service for unit tests
Poco’s websocket code has problems with multiple websocket messages per frame
Lots of inter-dependencies.
Potentially nice performance & bandwidth win from batching bigger messages (Michael)
- but need the tests not to use busted Poco websocket first.
Release schedule bits (Andras)
Originally wanted to release CODE this week, but lots of changes went into 6.4
we’re slipping to next-week
in generally in a very good state – but want to be even better
Other huge changes – impl. of comments on mobile changed completely, VBA, Draw – connectors, adding Draw as a component, custom shapes; Gabriel’s UI config work.
- lots to test & bang on.
Canvas change was in Calc already ? (Nicolas)
not for mobile – but now it is (Michael)
- Will not be updating mobile apps to use this yet.
Biggest achievement from user POV (Kendy)
split-panes on calc in mobile devices too.
Also works better with strange browser settings
avoiding occasional tile lines / interpolation
Next Meeting
Next meeting will take place on Thursday, Mar 18, 2021 at 11:00 am (UTC)