Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #182

Date: 22/08/2024

All minutes published on:

Attendees (write your name):

  • Pedro, Bayram, Darshan, Ezinne, Hub, Andras, João, Méven, Aron, Caolán, Skyler, Gökay, Szymon, Gulsah, Nick, Sven, Attila


  1. Release Schedule
  • Yesterday we finally released CODE, a week later than scheduled.
    Release branches:

    • online: distro/collabora/co-24.04 was reset to cp-24.04.6-2 tag, and then I cherry-picked a few patches (Skyler’s Android patches, translation updates). Snapshot packages are made from this branch. Please think, if you have something in master only that belongs here (stable fixes, towards COOL and backport.

    • core: I created distro/collabora/co-24.04.6 branch. Same remarks apply (snapshot & backports).

  • online master and core distro/collabora/co-24.04 are still for CODE red (24.04.7.x)

  • Android blocker’s fixed → awaiting for Ezinne’s confirmation to press the button

  • PRs in need for attention (Please add here any PR that needs attention)

  • PRs without reviewer now 1

  • Nicolas

  • .

  • Ankush

    • coder – working in finance industry

      • working on providing them with a tool here

      • started learning about COOL – two to three weeks back.

    • Some questions in the forum

    • Interested in improving finance bits …

      • once setup – will be looking at features …
    • Forum discussion :

  • Gabriel

  • Working now on something related to CSV and probably will backport it but I’m waiting for some feedback

    • this was mostly useful for converting CSV → PDF – because separators were not found

    • idea was to detect automatically at conversion.

    • First patch – adds character-set and separator settings

      • can use these when you pass the filter parameters.

      • Instead of separator & character set put ‘detect’

    • Would be nice to use it in the import dialog.

  • Would love to help out with design for serializing settings (Michael)

  • Julius

  • Getting much more frequent races causing a download of the file … when clicked. (Michael)

    • seems like a richdocuments / Nextcloud race… perhaps more plugins installed …

    • now have etc. in the list here … probably related to this.

    • Finally have a reproducer on our instance

    • Seems the viewer API has a design flaw in that regard

    • Our files engineering-team is looking into having a work around

  • Small bugfix release of richdocuments later (probably today)

    • branding customization fix for logo

    • iframe accessibility

    • Fix issue where files were locked during preview generation with network timeouts which could have lead to failed saves

      • There is still a risk, but less likely, currently thinking about better ways to handle this
  • Nextcloud 30 upcoming, currently in beta

    • Integration with extract/transform document API

    • Create new documents with form from templates

  • Nextcloud Conference is happening Sept 14-15, contributor week afterwards

  • Nightly CODE docker image for easier testing

  • Thorsten

    • [No update]
  • Attila

No update

  • Andras

    • Weblate: now we don’t have anymore the red warnings. We used to have app descriptions (legacy) from other repo but not it’s simpler everything is one repo.
  • Szymon

  • Calc switching the view didn’t refresh grid layout

    • reworked old patches, merged
  • Fixed cypress errors in debug build (locally)

  • Duplicate checker – reduce to 17 lines: → merged

  • Remove old menubartoolitems from notebookbar:

  • Next: Pedro’s report - now unotoolbuttons are being enable/disable but the inner child is not being enabled or disabled: search previous and search next

  • Darshan

    • PR:

      • Accessibility: FIX Lack of keyboard control for the color picker #9832 => Got couple of review comments. Mostly related to add generic methods so we can use this focus using keyboard on grid for every items which has grid in online

      • Fix comment box cut-off issue when zooming in #9866

      • Working on it: Tool tip font is serif it should be San serif

    • I need review some PR:

  • Aron

    • nothing to add
  • Caolan performance

  • Extending async DNS for use with Session::asyncRequest

  • Reduce tilecombine duplicates during scrolling

  • More reduce tilecombine duplicates during scrolling

  • Auto committed Watchdog profiles

  • Bayram

  • (Open) - Enhancement - tdf#158857: Keep Power Query when saving XLSX

  • (In Progress) - Enhancement - calc: when filling a range of cells, display the largest value in the range

    • now: we have the same feature on LO → bibisecting to find code pointers

    • next: grab the popup value from the core & show it on online side, add UI

  • Skyler

  • Android

    • Fixed some last-minute blockers

    • Hoping to release soon … in final testing now

    • Working on bugs for the next release…

      • Performance issue when rendering some documents
  • iOS

    • Would like to make another iOS release soon too… will be after the Android release
  • Build instructions

  • Pranam

  • Gökay


  • Various bug fixes.

  • Separating JS code from HTML:

    • In review. To be merged in RED Code hopefully.


GH Issues and Forum Topics

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  • 29/08/2024