Failed to open larger file such as 7.5M PDF with Docker V22.

Testing Docker V22., it works fine, except having issues with larger size of files, such as a 7.5M PDF. Here is the error log

[ kitbroker_007 ] INF Loading url [file:///tmp/user/docs/qggg6AUEO6TEnS9g/Free_Test_Data_7.5MB_PDF.pdf] for session [026] which has 0 sessions.| kit/Kit.cpp:1112
[ kitbroker_007 ] INF Loading new document from URI: [file:///tmp/user/docs/qggg6AUEO6TEnS9g/Free_Test_Data_7.5MB_PDF.pdf] for session [026].| kit/Kit.cpp:1424
[ kitbroker_007 ] DBG Calling lokit::documentLoad(file:///tmp/user/docs/qggg6AUEO6TEnS9g/Free_Test_Data_7.5MB_PDF.pdf, “,DeviceFormFactor=desktop,EnableMacrosExecution=false,MacroSecurityLevel=1,Timezone=America/New_York”).| kit/Kit.cpp:1443
[ kitbroker_007 ] DBG Returned lokit::documentLoad(file:///tmp/user/docs/qggg6AUEO6TEnS9g/Free_Test_Data_7.5MB_PDF.pdf) in 457ms| kit/Kit.cpp:1452
[ kitbroker_007 ] ERR Failed to load: file:///tmp/user/docs/qggg6AUEO6TEnS9g/Free_Test_Data_7.5MB_PDF.pdf, error: loadComponentFromURL returned an empty reference| kit/Kit.cpp:1458
[ kitbroker_007 ] ERR ToMaster-026: error: cmd=load kind=faileddocloading| common/Session.hpp:165

Any idea? Thanks in advance.

Hi @Jay , welcome to the Collabora Online forums!

Could you please provide the PDF so I can attempt to reproduce the issue?

Additionally, I noticed you’re using V22.05. I recommend upgrading to the latest version, as it includes new features and improved performance compared to the older version. We always appreciate feedback and are committed to enhancing the product.


Hi @darshan, Thanks for the message.

I tested Docker V24., same issue. Please let me know how to send the 7.5M file to you. But you can use the following 10M PDF file:


Thanks, @Jay let me test on my setup and will try to investigate the problem.
We appreciated your effort :bowing_man:

@Jay, I just tested a 10MB PDF with my Docker setup, and it worked smoothly without any errors.

Here’s my version info:

  • COOLWSD version: (git hash: 7bb21429)
  • LOKit version: Collabora OfficeDev (git hash: 321166f)
  • Served by: Ubuntu 23.10
  • Server ID: 9fd431d3