Disable dark mode of set by default on light mode

is it possible to enforce Light mode from coolwsd.xml or any other server-side mechanism? Or even disable completely dark mode? Despite the user can change it manually, our organization is having some troubles as it provides a number of templates that doesn’t combine well with dark mode, and some users got lost when open some documents.


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Hey @gonzalo, welcome to the forum and thanks for the question. :slight_smile:

Hmmm… interesting.

What is the specific issue here? Is it because your Templates are forcing a font color instead of “Automatic”?

Can you share a screenshot or explain the problem a little more?

I second the question from Gonzalo. Some documents are just not readable in dark mode. Have to switch it off manually every time. This is kind of annoying. So a setting where I can disable dark mode for collabora would be really appreciated. Just to prevent misunderstandings. I like my dark mode in general, just not with collabora. :slight_smile:

My system: Nextcloud Office current / Collabora Code current


Hi @himbeere,

Currently, there isn’t an option to disable dark mode by default in Collabora Online

We have already plan for this A better dark mode · Issue #9059 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
