Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #181

Date: 15/08/2024

All minutes published on:

Attendees (write your name):

  • Pedro, Bayram, Darshan, Ezinne, Hub, Andras, João, Méven, Anna, Michael, Aron, Caolán, Skyler, Gökay, Attila, Szymon, Timur, Gulsah, Nick


  1. Release Schedule
  • COOL

    • Aron started a build yesterday but was not completed due to some build errors
  • Mobile releases 24.04.4 (stable branch) Next week

    • Android 24.04 package has been tested

      • Some issues were found and Skyler has been notified and is working on those and as soon as those are fixed we will do Android 24.04

Online Activity

  • PRs in need for attention (Please add here any PR that needs attention)

  • PRs without reviewer now 1

  • Nicolas

  • .

  • Gabriel

  • Working now on something related to CSV and probably will backport it but I’m waiting for some feedback

    • this was mostly useful for converting CSV → PDF – because separators were not found

    • idea was to detect automatically at conversion.

    • First patch – adds character-set and separator settings

      • can use these when you pass the filter parameters.

      • Instead of separator & character set put ‘detect’

    • Would be nice to use it in the import dialog.

  • Would love to help out with design for serializing settings (Michael)

  • Julius

  • Getting much more frequent races causing a download of the file … when clicked. (Michael)

    • seems like a richdocuments / Nextcloud race… perhaps more plugins installed …

    • now have etc. in the list here … probably related to this.

    • Finally have a reproducer on our instance

    • Seems the viewer API has a design flaw in that regard

    • Our files engineering-team is looking into having a work around

  • Small bugfix release of richdocuments later (probably today)

    • branding customization fix for logo

    • iframe accessibility

    • Fix issue where files were locked during preview generation with network timeouts which could have lead to failed saves

      • There is still a risk, but less likely, currently thinking about better ways to handle this
  • Nextcloud 30 upcoming, currently in beta

    • Integration with extract/transform document API

    • Create new documents with form from templates

  • Nextcloud Conference is happening Sept 14-15, contributor week afterwards

  • Nightly CODE docker image for easier testing

  • Thorsten

    • [No update]
  • Attila

No update


  • Various bug fixes.

  • Biggest commit is merged for separating JS code from HTML. Will continue with the next steps.


  • Smart guides for Impress shapes. Merged into master branch.


GH Issues and Forum Topics

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  • 22/08/2024