How to enable Zotero integration in CODE 22.05

Hi, I’ve recently installed the latest version of Nextcloud on my Raspberry Pi 4 and installed/activated version 22.05 of the built-in CODE server. I notice in the personal office settings it says “Zotero - This instance does not support Zotero, because the feature is missing or disabled. Please contact the admin.

In the Administration office settings there doesn’t seem any way to activate the Zotero feature - where can I do so?

Make sure the Zotero plugin is enabled in your coolwsd.xml on your code server.
Next thing you need to do is to enter an zotero api key at personal settings > office in nextcloud.
Make sure that your nextcloud background jobs ran or wait for a while. I think Nextcloud does not show this dialog right away but only after the background jobs ran.