How to keep your fork in sync

Add a new remote

Give this command only once for each local clone:

git remote add upstream

Check how many remotes you have (op)

git remote -vv

Sync your fork

Every time you want to sync your fork with the original repo:

  • git fetch upstream
  • git checkout master
  • git pull upstream master
    • Or if your master branch had dirty tree git pull upstream main --rebase but probably then you will need to resolve conflicts between forked master and upstream master. Better to always work in another branch. See Your First Pull Request (forked repository)
  • git push
    • Or in the case your forked master branch is polluted with something and already pushed, better to remove those commits via git rebase --interactive HEAD~6 (gives you the power to change the history for the last 6 commits) and then after that is solved: git push origin master --force


Probably best to don’t allow merge commits to get into your forked repository history. You can do that by going to GitHub forked repository β†’ settings (cog wheel) β†’ ctrl + f for merge and change those options to:

I have changed this to a wiki post