now the unit of measure is correct.
Reading your suggestions: I tried unchecking Asian language […]
I attach the screenshot.
And uncheck that 2nd box too, which is:
- Complex Text Layout
- Yours says “Disposizione testo complesso”
If you are only typing Italian, and not complicated languages like Chinese or Arabic/Hindi… there’s no need for those 2 options to be enabled.
It would be more convenient if everything were automatic. 
Hmmm… I wonder how the heck those 2 boxes got checked for you in the first place.
By default, those should all be off.
I’ll try what you suggested but unfortunately I’m not so good at doing very technical things…
If you need more help, just ask. I can give any step-by-step instructions.
(And you already found your way into the various Tools > Options menus, which is more than most people!)
23.05?! Where? when? 

It’s coming, it’s coming!
Right now, the main focus has been on 23.05 for:
but the other OSes (Windows/Mac + iOS/Android) are coming soon.
But is there a way to download the official versions not from the windows store?
Hmmm, I don’t believe so. (At least not on Windows/Mac.)
The “Unstable Snapshot” versions are the only ones, but those are mostly used for testing.
the only advantage of the store are the automatic updates, which obviously don’t work well… 
I’m not that familiar with the “app store” versions.
I’m suspecting they’ll update automatically as soon as the official 23.05 releases comes out.
But I ask you for information on updates because with windows it is really too slow and “frustrating”
Oh? Did you mean:
- Collabora Office (the program) is running slow?
- Or that “the updates” are coming out too slow?
some time ago I had reported other problems always related to the version downloaded from the store but I hadn’t had any response… 
I wrote quite alone…
Oh? Was it this thread?
Well, you’re not alone now. I’ll be here helping answer questions in the Collabora Forum from now on!
again thank you very much!
You’re welcome.