One of the teachers I work with organizes his work in a way, where he splits the learning material among different modules - each module is one file (odt, docx). He uses an “index” file consisting of hyperlinks which point to the modules. So something like:
1.) module 101 “Intro” -> 101_intro.docx
2.) module 102 “Foobar” -> 102_foobar.dox
I can’t exactly remember how the links are made but it was done using MS Office and I assume it’s just refering to a hardcoded filesystem path or a relative path to the file.
Is something like this doable using the locally installed apps - like in iOS or Android (I know how to do it in CooL/Nextcloud)? Ideally the app would switch/open the referenced file directly; but I doubt this is possible at the moment, am I right?
Thanks in advance and all the best,