Link to an other file in the locally installed apps (iOS, Chromebook, Android)

One of the teachers I work with organizes his work in a way, where he splits the learning material among different modules - each module is one file (odt, docx). He uses an “index” file consisting of hyperlinks which point to the modules. So something like:

1.) module 101 “Intro” -> 101_intro.docx
2.) module 102 “Foobar” -> 102_foobar.dox

I can’t exactly remember how the links are made but it was done using MS Office and I assume it’s just refering to a hardcoded filesystem path or a relative path to the file.

Is something like this doable using the locally installed apps - like in iOS or Android (I know how to do it in CooL/Nextcloud)? Ideally the app would switch/open the referenced file directly; but I doubt this is possible at the moment, am I right?

Thanks in advance and all the best,

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Hi @nicolas !
hm, I’m afraid linked documents won’t work, since each document is in its own separate “jail” (sandbox, whatever you call it) so they can’t access files which were originally next to them in the same directory :frowning_face:

Thanks for your reply Pedro! I’m glad I didn’t oversee a simple solution :slight_smile: