Hi there!
At my school (more than 1000 students and approximately 100 teachers) we are using the Collabora App for iPadOS as our main Office-App. Recently older ODT-files, which were created with an older version of Collabora Office, take very long to open and the whole App crashes instantly with any keystroke that would change anything in the document file.
This bug occurs on every iPad at our school. Files that are created with the newer version of Collabora App seem to work fine and it is possible to edit them.
I always advocated for using Collabora and avoiding MS Office products. So its very important for us to get a solution. Thanks in advance!
Hi Salih, I am a user, the following may be useful to anyone that looks into this for you. What version of Collabora Office you are running on the iPads? Such as or the newer version Can you upload a sample file, or have a sample file ready to upload if asked? If you pay a subscription, go directly to the contact you were provided. I am aware that there is or was a conference, so I imagine staff who are not on standby for subscribed users may be there or on their way back. Collabora’s Talks at the LibreOffice Conference 2023 in Bucharest
Cheers Rob
@salih114 indeed a sample document would be really really useful, we’ve tried with old files here and can’t reproduce so presumably there is something quite interesting about either your system (specific iOS/hardware version), or more likely your older files. Thanks so much for responding too Rob ! =)
Hi Rob, thanks for your answer. We are paying for the School-portal-Server called IServ. In IServ there is an integrated version of Collabora Office. This online version is not affected by the bug. The crashes started to occur while using the newer Version of Collabora Office App ( on our iPads. I could reproduce the crash with 7th and 8th Gen iPads and on older iPad Pros (A1701). My work around this problem was to upload all the ODT-files to WebDAV folders und to edit them with the online Version of Collabora.
Hi Michael,
first I want to apologize for replying so late. Like I answered Rob, I was able to reproduce the crash while using Collabora Office App ( on our iPads (7th, 8th Gen. and older iPad Pros A1701). The devices were running iPadOS 16.1, 16.7 and 17.
Our social workers took a lot of notes about their work with the kids and saved them locally as ODT files. So it was not easy to find a crashing file which is not confidential. Finaly I found one. As a new user I can’r upload any files, so I sent it to you via e-mail. I hope this will help to resolve this issue.
Another interesting thing that I noticed is the following workaround: When an affected local file is uploaded to our IServ-School-Server and edited and saved in the online Collabora module it can be downloaded and used without any crashes. This is not a real solution when some of our staff members have over 100 ODT files on their devices.
I hope this and the file that I send you via e-Mail will help to solve this issue.
Thanks for your work.
@salih114 @mmeeks
Tested and logged a bug for this: Older ODT-files crash the iPad app in new version 23.05.4 · Issue #7381 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub