Need Increase in PDF Resolution in Collabora Online

Hi Collabora Team,

I’m encountering an issue with the Collabora online while working with PDF files. When I zoom into a PDF document, the content becomes blurry, as if the resolution in the web viewer is too low. This makes it difficult to view details or work with the document effectively.

Is there a way to increase the resolution of the PDF display or adjust the rendering settings in the web viewer to prevent this blurriness?

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support!


To fix the blurriness, increase the <pdf_resolution_dpi> in coolwsd.xml.

  1. Open the file: /coolwsd.xml

  2. Change:


    (Try 150-200; higher = better quality, but more memory use.)

  3. Restart: coolwsd
