Performance issue (lag) when reaching 7-8 users on the same doc

A recent upgrade of CODE in last day or so is enormously faster for me, I am using a nightly build 6.4.8 (git hash: [6a844e4] (javascript:void(‘Commits · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub’));)).

The improvements I see may be to do with the performance wins mentioned in Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #23 so try 6.4.8*4 or later.

My gut feeling is recent releases have been slower than normal and this release has tuned up the performance of new software that was introduced (Toolbars and Canvas?). I wouldn’t have a clue if this will help you. So this is just fyi.

btw a week or 2 ago I upgraded to Nextcloud v21 in another environment and noticed an improvement over v20, but that could be my shared cloud server!

It is back to performing just about like a local app for me, and I am another continent away from my server.

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