Worked on
- Selecting merged cells for formula doesn’t show the full merged cell selected
Worked on
gh#6650 jsdialog tooltips invalid value
view jumps
core was using wrong shell for moving cursor
In progress
- formulabar input in Japanese
Worked on
Fixed hanging slide show with multiple hidden slides
Fixed images being cut in jsdialog
Helped contributor with fixing master view slide preview context
menu #6618
In progress
Calc: Misplaced cursor and text boxes contents in 23.05
23.05: After various clicking Data Filter buttons, crash
on Advanced Filter
Worked on
- Print with DownloadAsPostMessage problem
In progress
- WSD: Editor can get stuck in session if it has read-only views
Worked on
- PDFium: “signature” not imported, export is mostly empty
In progress
- Deselecting merged cells using Shift+⬆ doesn’t work in some cases
Worked on
notebookbar accelerators.
Checked 22.05 Cypress tests. Failing randomly and passing locally, not a surprise Increased the timeout.
Libreoffice proposal sent. Presentation to be prepared.